Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring break may break me!

I am going to lose my mind and it is only the 2nd day of spring break. The fighting in this house is unbelievable. Everyone wants to do what the other person is doing all the time. I am thinking of building some sort of Habitrail and separating them. Perhaps that will stop some of the fighting, or at least mute it behind (vented) plastic.

You'd think that being with toddlers all day would be a difficult is, but trust me, almost-8-year-old girls is harder. At least it is today and was yesterday.

We have lots of things 'planned' for break - going to the eye doctor, haircuts, visiting the babies that I watch, having a sleepover. All of this crammed into 7 fun-filled days.

Perhaps the fact that I am going through Starbucks withdrawal every morning isn't helping my attitude. I stop at Starbucks almost every morning when I am working -- since I am on break, no morning Starbucks. Perhaps I could get them to deliver. I am, however, excited to read about their new program for registered card holders. You can read about it here.


Theresa said...

Maybe you should just buy them 3 hamsters, and a giant maze to give them something new to do.... Aren't I helpful?

Mishelle said...

My sympathies to you....can't wait to hear the details of the sleepover! My turn for springbreak starts today...oh joy!! I think of it as a glimpse into what my summer will look like!