Saturday, May 31, 2008

A long day, and a small miracle

First the long day. We had an appointment downtown at 8am, so we left at 6ish. We forgot that it was Saturday and arrived downtown with about, oh, an hour and 15 minutes to spare. So I wandered around Food 4 Less and bought some totally unnecessary snacks (Cosmic brownies, anyone?) and then we went to our appointment. There were a few others there, interestingly, all had had surgery on their right eye except for one person. Fridays must be right eye days.
Hannah was a little agitated during the check (can't say that I blame her) but all looks good for now. No signs of infection and the retina is still staying right where it should be. All good news.
Now for the small miracle...which, to me, is a huge miracle.
Some of you know that Hannah has a 'baby' - which is one of those lovey blankets that has a bear head and a pink blanket for a body. She's had it ever since she was born, and it has been her constant companion. Well, we lost Baby (Hannah has named it Baby). We looked everywhere at home, I called everywhere we went after her last doctor's appointment, every store, EVERYWHERE! No luck. I was sick at the thought of having to send her into surgery without it, but we did and she held up fine.
Now for the we went to Cracker Barrel after her appointment (it's her favorite thing to do after her appointment and has become routine). I called Cracker Barrel twice after Baby went missing and Stan called there once, each time we were told she wasn't there. Today I had Stan take the 'replacement' Baby (which is a lamb) and ask at the front desk if anyone had turned Baby in. Lo and behold, Baby was there. I am sure that the entire restaurant thinks that I am out of my mind. I was sobbing. I am so glad that Hannah has her Baby back. It meant so much to me and I was sick that it was gone. I really felt that I had let her down. Now Hannah is resting comfortably with Baby on the couch, a worker at Cracker Barrel is probably contemplating some sort of lawsuit against me because I hugged her and cried so much, and all is right with the world. For now, at least.

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Wonderful news about Hannah's eye, and about the Baby blanket. She deserves to have a little good luck, and so do you!